Friday, July 23, 2010

Let it Go

Happy Friday!!

I woke up this morning to intense emotions about what I have to do today. I got up from my bed flustered with worrying. I decided to return to my bed. Sitting down. I began to meditate. And the words flowed out of me: Let it Go.

Let it all GO!!

Like me, many of us spend our time worrying about everything and anything. We fret about the past, the present, and future situations that haven't happened. We worry because we fear. As someone, who suffers from anxiety disorder I know what it's like to deal with constant worry. I have to work really hard to reduce my anxiety, let go of worry, and just be in the present. I have to practice yoga at least 3 times a week, pray, meditate and do vigorous exercise. If I don' do not want to be around me! TRUST ME.ha ha! I know it is not easy......but we must LET IT GO. LET IT GO. LET IT GO.

We worry about the things beyond our control. Why not make a radical shift? Focus on what we have the power to control. Yes, we have more power than we give ourselves credit for.

Think about and answer: What is actually within your control?

We have the power to be happy. We are the architects of our destiny.
We choose how we feel on a daily basis.
We have the power to change our thoughts, actions, and behaviors.
We are NOT alone. Our creator is always with us. We are not given more than we can bear.

Today, whatever is bothering you, whatever you are worried about, whoever you are worried about....Just know that this too shall pass (Listen to India.Aire!!). Worry only leads to more worry. Worry will make you physically, emotionally, and mentally ill. It leads to stress, depression and an infinite cycle of anxiety that is good for NO ONE.

My Affirmations:
Today is a new day. The past is behind us.
I am strong, brave, and courageous.
I will do my best today.

How do you deal with worry? Any positive affirmations you would like to share? Please do send me your comments.

From my sister Migue's words: Choose to be a WARRIOR not a WORRIER!!!

with courage,

1 comment:

  1. So positive and good Little bear. Exactly what the interwebs needs. I look forward to reading more.


