On February 29, 2008, my dearest friend Laura lost her sister Kimberlly to breast cancer. I was blessed to know and spend time with Kim before her cancer returned (more aggressively in December 2007) and I learned we had a lot in common. One thing I admired of this strong, beautiful warrior was her willingness to love and forgive. I learned a lot about love and forgiveness from her. As a survivor of abuse, she never let it bring her down. She continued to smile and love her family, friends, and folks she did not even know with a warmth that I cannot describe.
I often think about Kim. I think of women like Kim dealing, suffering, and dying from breast cancer. Unfortunately, African American women have a higher risk of dying from a more aggressive and deadly form of breast cancer than white and other non white women. In fact the breast cancer death rate for women of color is 37% higher than it is for white women. I think about ALL of this. But we can help support women of color affected by breast cancer.
This poem is inspired by Kim and women of color all around the world affected by this deadly disease...
I Am
I am strong and beautiful
I wonder if we will ever find a cure
I hear the bells of freedom
I see hope on the horizon
I want to help others
I am strong and beautiful
I pretend that I am a bird soaring to new heights
I feel the power of the divine
I touch the wings of forgiveness
I worry that more of our sisters will die
I cry for our sisters we have lost
I am, we are strong and beautiful
I understand that pink isn’t always so pretty
I say let’s fight this disease together
I dream we will find a cure one day
I try to keep the faith
I hope we can help all women of color dealing and suffering from the deadly “pink” disease
I am, we are, strong and beautiful.
Let’s fight for a cure!
With courage,
Rebel P.
Some Helpful Resources:
Pink Isn't Always Pretty, Inc: www.pinkisntalwayspretty.org
Facing Our Risk Empowered:www.facingourrisk.org
African American Breast Cancer Alliance: http://aabcainc.org/
Army of Women: http://www.armyofwomen.org/
Pro Mujer:www.promujer.org
Women Caring For Women: http://www.latinabca.org/WomenCaringforWomen.asp
Latinas Contra Cancer: http://www.latinascontracancer.org/about/index.html
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