Greetings Sisters & Brothers:
I pray all is well with you and that you are in the best of spirits. As I count down my earth day (only 3 days away) I am reflecting with much excitement this busy but special crazy but blessed year I have had. Yet, I can't quite put my words down just yet. For this reason, I wanted to share a special poem written by a special person: Binopoet. He is an amazing writer and friend who started his very own blog a few weeks before me titled "Basic Ruminations". He was definitely one of my inspirations for starting this blog (and so many other great blog-writers). Please check out the poem "I Notice." Does it remind you of anyone you know?
Always with courage,
Rebel P.
P.s. Check out the "On the path to courage" section of this blog and click on Basic Ruminations.
I wish you a wonderful, happy birthday. :-) I am trying to figure out what to get you ... I think I have an idea. I just have to get it. lol Your Born on Earthday (i.e. Birthday) is a wonderful time. It's YOUR time. Virgos know how to celebrate themselves better than any zodiac sign! You teach us how to celebrate life on earth - how keep our eyes on the prize of appreciating the now. Your birth is a gift to the world.