in a few hours my little brother will be a "free" man
after nine months of federal prison
he will return to a "normal" life
in a society that has already
stamped him as a felon
who is worthless
"there is no hope for him" they will say
he has a criminal record
but others, like my mom and sister, say he
will beat the odds
i worry that he might return to doing the same thing he did
that got him locked up in the first place
i'm not sure how i feel
shit, i'm not sure how he feels
i pray he gets a second chance
i pray his 8 month old son
warrants the love and affection of his father
i don't think i can write anymore
the feeling is too much to bear
black and latino men and women continue to
overpopulate the prison walls
we live in a culture where second chances are not
afforded to everyone
especially not for people of color
i hope my brother chooses the path
out of the drug game
we all deserve a second chance....
Best Wishes to your brother as he is returns to the arms of his family. How he feels, he'll know then. Love you all! Karima