Tuesday, December 14, 2010

The Power of Yoga

As a recovering cynic, I am learning that we must take pleasure in the simple things in life. I am told to reflect of the moments and times where I am at “my best.” And while I wish I could answer that I am at my best all the time. I simply would be lying. I think as humans we have good days and bad days. I believe that those bad days allows for the sweetness of the good days. I am truly at my best when I am practicing yoga. Inhale. Exhale. Inhale. Exhale. These are two simple techniques that transform my life every time I practice. Why yoga? I am at my best when I practice yoga because it allows me to learn, accept, and embrace my body. On the mat I travel to a place that knows no bounds. As I inhale. I learn to accept the imperfections of my curves. I exhale the voices of popular culture. That say that fat is ugly. Love handles are not lovable. And that perfect bodies do really exist. Yoga allows me the space to truly express myself. Yoga is the expression of love. Yoga is about awareness. About the union of breathe, movement, and love. I learn to love my body in the presence of victorious breath. I embrace it for all of its curves, love handles, and flexibility. I learn to appreciate my body during my practice. It’s all about me. The outside world means nothing. Yoga allows me to look within. I focus on the source of all of my strength and inspiration that is God, love, and the freedom of self-expression. Inhale. I become one with light, joy, love. As I inhale I ingest the cool breeze of a hot summer day. I sniff the smell of sage burning. I breathe in the beauty of life. How sweet it is! Exhale. I let go of negativity, darkness, and frustration as I exhale. I let go of anxiety. I release it. I renounce. I give up all inhibitions. I’m vulnerable and strong. I’m weak and able. I am a worrier and survivor. I imagine myself inhaling all the goodness in the world. There is good in this world. The rays shine on me as I salute phoenix. Her fire radiates. My glow shines. I am at my best on the mat. I am allowed to express myself creatively. Freedom is the priority on the yoga mat. It doesn’t matter what happened yesterday or this morning. Yoga allows me to be in the now. And learning to be in the present allows me to show appreciation for my body, my self, and my mind. What a radical shift. For a negrita stuck in the past. Yoga is the bridge to N-O-W. Yoga is to be, to live, & to embrace the present. Living in a world that lives in the yesterday and obsesses in the tomorrows. We miss the gifts. But I make yoga my present. Yoga transforms me. Love is a radical shift. Yoga is love. Namaste.

written on 7 June 2009

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