Thursday, May 13, 2010

Becoming The Constant Gardener

"If you allow compassion to spring from your heart, the fire of anger will die right away."

I'm focused on planting the seeds of compassion in every aspect of my life. I work to practice compassionate listening, compassionate understanding, compassionate patience and just being an all around loving person. I want to move away from judging a person based on how they make me react to things they might do. It's definitely a challenge but when you are mindful and allow yourself to listen, see, and reflect. You begin to see that they are not the central causes of those reactions. Shit is hard to be able to do all the time. But it is ME that is the cause not anyone else. Sometimes I don't practice mindfulness (I.e. Compassion) and I slip. I say something mean. I flip out! I use sarcasm to deflect from the situation or get angry. Here, I fail to commit to my duties as the gardener. How can I plant and nurture seeds if I don't commit to a practice? How can I become a better gardener to myself and others around me?

I want to do away with anger and reduce the stress and anxiety that I have. I know it's not easy but I have been doing much better. I also have learned that I have to be disciplined about my practice of mindful meditation. It is my antidote to doing away with anger and anxiety. Everytime I'm close to slipping I think of my garden. For everyday I slip I'm failing to water (nurture) the seeds of compassion. I never thought I could be a gardener but today I know I can. We all could. The seeds of anger and anxiety should not be so closely tended to. Why continue to nurture the weeds in my garden? They must be clipped! Are you ready to get rid of the bad seeds (that do not blossom but hinder your growth) in your life? I am!
What will you do to plant the seeds of healing in your life? Are you ready to blossom?

Remember healing is like gardening.

With courage,


  1. ache sis. thanks again to your guides who lead you to share this piece with the world. as always: it is divinly timed! i sooo feel you right now (thanks again for indirectly recommending the 'anger' book it has honestly changed my life!).
    this gardening is a constant, never ending (but rewarding) process.
    the one relationship i've been working towards, praying on etc, has started to heal and really blossom (thanks to prayer and mindfulness i am starting to acheive the outcome that i've desired and deserve). now it's a 'new' situation that has sprung up (here is where choice comes in) i can take the 'it's always something' approach and feel sorry for myself and throw a pity party OR i can say THANK YOU GOD for the lessons and the test, thank you because i asked to be fully healed and the only way to do this is by surfacing up any and everything/one that needs healing in my life (starting with me). you cannot heal it if you cannot see it and as painful as it may seem right now, i'll keep a positive outlook, keep weeding out them demons and TRUST that i am just healing and becoming the constant garderner you mentioned.
    best of the best to you in your healing process, i am proud of you sistah.
    light! m

  2. hermana,
    ache is right. ache, ouch, heavy breathing, panicky... all of that! we are constantly pulling and tugging. healing is tough! i know exactly what you mean. to be fully healed means we have to confront all the demons. even the ones we probably never considered to be enemies until now. i am having to really deal with my past.. i have been unpacking the ways i deal with conflict. and the ways i distance or emotionally cut folks off.. learning this strategy when i was physically abandoned by my father and sexually abused growing up.. this really really taught me unhealthy ways of dealing with conflict. today, i am struggling with it and working to confront it everyday..

    yeah, sometimes we will suck at the gardening. not everything will blossom and not all weeds will be pulled out. on some days we will be too tired to do the work or too scared. but when we are ready we will see the fruits of our labor. i have faith that we will gain victory! i'm glad that book has truly helped you a long the way. it too has changed my life!! i feel so blessed.. i'm getting ready to get the next thich nhat hanh book pretty soon. will keep u posted!

    best of the best to you!! love you!!

    im proud of you, 'mana!

    keep shining yo' light!

  3. i appreciate this post. approaching this practice as gardening was helpful too.

    thank you for this...
