Butterflies were once confined to a past that relegated them to solitude.
sitting in silence.
becoming one with nature.
finding their roots on land.
sliding left and then right. left and then right. on a path
that they knew would be greater than they could ever imagine.
the cocoon knew it was destined for greatness.
land animals would sit around it. wondering what would emerge in this little
unnoticable shell of a cocoon. never knowing that it would soon serve a purpose beyond their imagination.
the cocoon firmly planted into the grounds of the earth.
its roots shaping the transformation that would soon come.
the land of our mother nature is helping the cocoon reach it's path.
slowly. it meditates. slowly. it imagines. slowly it visualizes a place beyond its foundation.
never thinking that time would soon lead to a metamorphosis of sorts
the cocoon would simply hold tight to the foundation that was it's home.
they smelled the grass. made friends with land animals.
but never did they feel like they were serving their purpose in life.
until one day. the sun was shining its brightest.
so bright the baby [it] inside the cocoon noticed the light coming inside its cocoon.
the [it] cocoon looked into the light. the light led it to the crack. the crack became a hole. and then the hole
became bigger and bigger.
the cocoon. transformed. becoming a beautiful butterfy. with blues, purples, yellows, and oranges.
the land animals couldn't believe it.
the it became a butterfly. from a thing to something special.